Horario: Sábado 9:30 hs
Sala: Sala Chanquete 2.0.1a
Audiencia: Usuarios con un nivel principiante de WordPress, o usuarios no profesionales.
Idioma: Inglés
Para los que no la conocen… ¿Quién es Camila Waz?
Camila Waz is a Brazilian web designer and developer, now based in Dublin, Ireland. Her passion for creating content brought her into the world of tech where she got to know Front End Technologies and Design by building blog themes.
Using this knowledge she worked as a Freelancer for a number of years helping entrepreneurs and bloggers to get their message (and their websites!) out there. At the same time, she contributed to her local tech community organising events, meetups and training sessions for new developers.
You can find more talks in these links:
1. Lightning Talk: Modernising your site with CSS – WordCamp Dublin 2019 (https://2019.dublin.wordcamp.org/session/expressing-creativity-through-css/)
2. CSS & Illustrations – DublinCSS 2019 (http://dublincss.org/dublincss-relaunch)
¿De que trata su charla en la WordCamp Málaga 2020?
In this talk, we will, together, explore the intersection between Design & Code with CSS. New CSS properties are making our lives easier as designers and developers – working together in the name of the user experiences.
Let’s get to know some of those new properties (like CSS custom properties, CSS grid and CSS logical properties) and get more familiar with old ones while discussing techniques and tricks to implement web design trends and bring back the creativity, right there in the browser.
¿Qué tipo de charla es la que dará?
Es una charla que tendrá una duración de 25 minutos y preferentemente esta orientada a gente que tenga un nivel principiante de WordPress, o usuarios no profesionales.
Puedes contactárme por twitter o por mi web camilawaz.com